Thursday, June 30, 2016

Day 84

     I'm throwing it back to Mother's Day. At least I think this is from Mother's Day…

I'm wearing non pajamas/workout clothes!

     Tonight I'm celebrating the fact that we have gone a full week without a visit to the doctor's office for the first time since Caroline was born!
     We've had a pretty crazy month since I last blogged, which included a brief hospital stay for Caroline because of a virus, more foods eliminated from my diet, a kindergarten play, a soccer tournament, our first year in public school in the books, and of course, lots of doctor's visits. Oh, and laundry. So. Much. Laundry.
     That's actually why I went back to this picture. Today while I folded 7+ loads of laundry, I narrated my actions to Caroline. Does anyone else do that? "Here are daddy's socks. Here are Lucas's shorts. Here is another stained shirt belonging to Ben." She got a kick out of my descriptions (she's becoming very vocal and interactive!) and once I began sorting through my own clothes, I realized I had three piles- sleep clothes, exercise clothes and underwear. I wouldn't say I "workout" frequently, rather I'm ready for the opportunity. Same goes for sleep. Any other article of clothing I wear is usually worn for such a short amount of time that I don't need to wash it. Or in the case of the shirt I'm wearing right now, it will be off to the dry cleaners after Ben had his way with a carrot and my shoulder.

Where was I going with this post?

     I love these kids. I'm sort of putting myself together each morning. But I'm trying- really trying. We are almost four months into this and I've worked out a few times, done a ridiculous amount of laundry, gone grocery shopping, taken my kids to school/practice/games/doctors visits, and loved them tremendously. Yes, I've cried a lot (sometimes in public) and I am still hoping for a date night at some point, but I'm so, so very happy to have these three in my life.

1 comment:

  1. By the looks of all three of your children, Beth, you're doing a fantastic job!
