Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Day 32.2

     At a therapy appointment this evening, (an unnamed child) and I were given a homework assignment that coincidentally aligned with a thought I had the day before. We were told to pick 3 different five minute activities from a long list. The activities varied and weren’t to be done to completion, but only to the point that we were calmed down. We chose snuggling under a blanket, reading a portion of a book, and coloring. At the end of the fifteen minutes, this particular child and I were calmer than we had been since the 3:00 PM playground pickup. The rest of the house, not so much. 

     It’s hard for me to get started sometimes. On Monday I was supposed to start my training for the half marathon and I just couldn’t find the time to get on the treadmill. I started freaking out, but instead, I decided to get a quick but tough Pilates workout inbetween clients. 

            After performing "the magician"...

     All of a sudden I was centered. I had a sense of calm that I haven’t had for about two months. I want to hold onto this feeling by taking every opportunity I have to take care for myself- even if it’s 10 or 15 minutes. 

     2019 will be my year of calm moments.