Monday, September 29, 2014

Day 54

Three weeks down as a working-outside-of-the-home mom...

How many weeks left?

     I found myself sitting on a bench and staring at the wall this past Wednesday. I have no idea how much time had passed or what I was thinking of. I just sat and stared. 
I am struggling. 

     I know everyone struggles with their priorities, but I am finding this transition particularly difficult. Is it because I now have two children? A larger home to maintain? A stressful schedule? Whatever the reason, three weeks in and I am still trying to figure out how to get out of the house in the morning, let alone any of the other things that are required of me throughout the day. At least I've figured out how to style my wavy/curly hair.

     I'm trying to maintain a positive outlook but I am starting to crack. Today was full of tears- from the moment the bell rang at the end of the school day until about two hours ago. I decided I needed to start writing again. I have so many pictures on my phone and so many thoughts I've wanted to share and I always feel better after a thoughtful post. So, tonight I begin again...for the third time (or is it the fourth?) 

1 comment:

  1. it is hard. it is so hard. but you are fighting the fight and showing your kids that you can do it all.
