Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 52

     I was true to my word. Jim and I had a "date" tonight!

A shared glass of Trader Joe's finest $4.49 Malbec

     Last night we decided that after the kids went to bed, we would sit up and talk- no TV, no phones, no laptops. Honestly I wasn't sure that we would follow through, but we did and I am so happy! I must confess we broke out the phones once we started discussing our upcoming shore house vacation, but other than that, we followed through. For an hour we did not talk about kids, do dishes or laundry, complain-we had a conversation like we used to! I even dimmed the lights for ambiance...and to hide the mess left by a day of playing with Ben, but let's focus on the ambiance ;-)
     I could sit here and bemoan the fact that we had a limited time, that there are chores now left to tackle tomorrow or that Jim has gone to bed without me so I could stay up write this post, but instead I will smile knowing that we had an enjoyable night. This was definitely a step in the right direction! 


  1. Awesome! Sometimes my husband and I sit in our front yard for these dates so we don't have to look at the mess! Whatever works.
