Thursday, April 3, 2014

Day 29

     Today was a beautiful day for a walk through town.

Ben is wearing the "wizard hat" my students bought him. And I'm wearing the head scarf because I didn't shower yet.  

     I love walking where we live because there are so many different types of homes. From quaint capes and bungalows to mid-century compounds and historic brick mansions, you can see pretty much every type of house imaginable. This also means the people are pretty diverse as well, so it's been a little tough finding young professionals with children the same age as ours. This may be because we live on a main road or because I'm bad at socializing. But that's a story for another day because...
     We met someone! At first, I walked by a woman who appeared to be the same age as me and sort of waved. She had a baby in a stroller and another kid was running around. I guess I could have stopped to talk, but do people do that? I got nervous and kept on going. Once Ben and I made it to the park, he tried out and hated the swing, so we turned around and headed home. I passed by the woman again and this time we were both on the sidewalk on the same side of the street, so we pretty much had to talk. 
     Thank goodness Ben is so smiley because he really helps me break the ice. It started out with me smiling at her baby and asking how old she was and continued with her complimenting my wrap (a Maya wrap for those who are interested), which I think was mommy-speak for "maybe we could be friends". It turns out our kids are approximately the same age and would therefore be in the same grades at the same elementary school and we live right around the block from each other. 
     The conversation was pleasant and she didn't seem to mind the vomit that was all over Ben, myself and my wrap, so I guess that's good sign! I introduced ourselves and got her name and that of the neighbor from across the street. When I said good-bye and headed home after a few jokes about potty training and the kids sleeping in my bed, I quickly typed her name and the names of her kids into my phone so I would remember them. I'm not trying to be stalkerish, but I had already forgotten the name of the woman who lived across the street- hey, 1 for 2 isn't that bad! Now I'm planning my next walk to casually pass by her house so we can talk again. 
     Ben and I are really trying to be social. I get to the gym, I've made some great friends through a local mom group and I try to go out when we can. Before I was a mom, I never imagined how difficult it would be to get out of the house. There are nap times to consider and colds/teething/general bad moods. With Lucas I just hung around and it wasn't good for either of us which is why despite the vomit and the return of that head scarf, I'm really excited about venturing out of the home today and meeting someone new! 

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