Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day 2

Today I began to clean out out drawers in my bathroom and took stock of all the beauty products I use. I was amazed at the number of "anti" products I own; anti-aging, anti-stretch mark, anti-celulite, anti-frizz, anti-wrinkle. And then there were all the concealers that promised to hide flaws and miraculously transform my imperfections...

This is just a small sampling of products aimed at improving my appearance. 

I attempted to take a photo of these and realized that I was wearing the same head scarf and sweatshirt from last night. While I'm all about being honest here, I decided I should probably shower (hence the towels). And continuing the honestly, this is one of a handful of times in the past 7 months I have showered two consecutive days.
Full disclosure- I don't plan on throwing these all away. I mean, a product that promises to reduce razor burn and my shaving frequency is OK in my book! I can continue to use my CC cream and still recognize that I don't need to "hide" anything about myself. I do think I will start looking for products that celebrate what I have instead of trying to cover it up, but who knows if that type of marketing exists!
On to the beautiful parts of this picture. BEN!!!!! Look at my beautiful baby! It's hard to believe that my preemie peanut has filled out so much. He's growing like a weed and I am responsible for that! Nursing has taken a toll on me, but with his dairy allergy and difficulty with formula, this is what works best. And it's a wonderful experience. I've also got a great set of "Mommy arms" from picking up, holding, carrying, tossing and playing with the boys. And I can really rock a towel on my head.

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