Sunday, March 9, 2014

Day 5

     My oldest son, like most toddlers, has a fascination with technology- particularly the iPhone. He and Siri have become quite close through their frequent conversations, which often result in my husband or I diving to intercept the phone before a call goes out to an old acquaintance or ex co-worker. My son's ability to navigate our phones is impressive and a little frightening. A week or two ago he snagged my phone off the nightstand and ran into the bathroom where I was having a conversation with my husband and took this gem.

     He proudly showed me and told me I looked beautiful. I rolled my eyes, told him thanks and tried to wrestle the phone out of his hands. Once I got the phone and redirected his attention on his Thomas trains, I set out to delete the offending photograph. However, something stopped me.
     This is how my son sees me. This is a picture of his beautiful mommy. Why should I delete this moment from our memories? One day he will tower over me (unless he got the short genes, which is probable) and I will no longer be the center of his world. I don't say this in a crazy-helicopter-mom sort of way. This is how life progresses and I will accept this as graciously as possible. But right now to this brilliant, hilarious, kind and perceptive three and a half year old, I am everything. And this picture will remind me of that fact and carry me through when he's 16 and wants nothing to do with his parents!

1 comment:

  1. For sure! Savor the memories for later! What a kind son he is now! Love the pic!
